Blue Ribbon Productions

RED played by Leila Jean Davis - filming scenes for the award-winning Invaders: Angie's Logs series

Welcome to Blue Ribbon Productions LLC
Providing quality professional services that deliver success for people and productions in the entertainment industry.
Blue Ribbon Productions brings professionalism and extensive business skills to every project, helping clients to achieve their goals within this exciting industry.

The Invaders: Angie's Logs
The Telly Awards Winnng Sci-FI web series is well underway!
Blue Ribbon Productions Marti Davis is producing with Minimally Invasive Productions the prequel series called The Invaders: Angie's Logs. This is the back story for Angie Martinez, the resilient young alien-fighter. Angie's Logs provide the basis for the full production of The Invaders.

Best Actress Award
Liberty Massacre
Leila Jean Davis

Best Short Film &
Catori Crawford Is Best Actress!
Congratulating our Cast & Crew!
ROAD RAGE - Feature Film
Marti Davis produced this dark comedy with Lightsong Films, about two people falling out of love. Principal filming completed in Princeton/Philly and the surrounding area.
Project Successes
Blue Ribbon Productions services contributed to the recent success of the following clients projects.
Click the Red Stars to go to the project links.
Flemington Furs Regional TV Commercial
Cast talent for Flemington Fur's broadcast TV commercial campaign with Riverview Studios.
Dr. Joy Show
Providing accurate and timely IMDb processing to this exciting TV show with Dr. Joy and her special Guests.
Nepali Children's Princeton Benefit Event Commercial/PSA
Executive Produced, created and directed PSA for to promote the Nepali Children's event being held May 24th in Princeton NJ.
The Paper Jets "Set of Rules" Music Video
Casting Director providing talent for this new song release - Video designed to go viral.
"Silver Lining" The 100-Hour Film Race
Casting Director providing key Talent for this exciting film contest with the New York City, directed by Praveen Durairaj from The Underdog Team.
NEWS FLASH: Silver Lining has made the
TOP 20 Films List of Finalist in
The 100-Hour Film Race!!
Adventures of Jane & John - 5 Episodes
Produced the ADP Films political comedy commercial web series to help get the Vote out in November.
The Corporate Brother: Take 'em To Church
Staffed this Tinman Creative Films production with a professional Director and DP.
The Corporate Brother: Bill Means Business
IMDb processing for this witty comedy series episode created by Todd Inman, directed by Ricardo Lorenzo and Dean Luis.

Watch Over Me - Short Film
Providing post-production IMDb processing services to Kihiray Pictures latest film production.

Providing Casting Support to TV Shows on Amazon, NBC Universal, the Investigative Discovery Channels, and other productions -
Talent, for consideration on upcoming projects, make sure your current picture and contact data are in our system. Email head-shot, Union-status, contact info. & resume to:

The Invaders Receives Great Review from
Pop-Culture Writer Adi Tantimedh on
Captured at New York Comic Con!

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All Rights Reserved